SEO tags in Mendix

What are the steps to implement SEO tags in individual pages in Mendix?
2 answers

Mendix struggles to do SEO well as it is rendered client side on the same HTML page.

As in with DEV tools open you can see an initial HTML page load and it’s the content that changes inside it, not the page itself so there is no server side rendering.


You need to first use a custom index.html page so that can you modify the head tag and insert your app meta tags here. Such as og:image, og:description so that when sharing on Google Spaces, Facebook, Twitter etc links to your site get a nice website preview. This will also let you set the icon for your app.


When your app is loaded, the content is populated in the body tag, you do not get access to the head tag from your Mendix page. It is not recommended to add meta information within body as some site crawlers will not parse meta information here and only goes to look inside the head which makes it tricky to do individual page SEO in Mendix.


  1. However, you can use the HTML Element component: To add meta information in your individual pages Mendix side.
  2. Make sure you have URL’s set and anonymous user access to the page.
  3. Look into the Mendix module SEO Sitemaps that is Community Supported but created by Mendix and potentially needing deep link with it as well:



In regards to the “accepted” answer. Your page title is controlled via your “navigation > application title”.

You can then set page title in properties and as long as the user visits a responsive page, the page title gets appended to the end of your app title:

Eg Nav Title = “Google”

Page title = “Home”

Whenever visited in Chrome the tab title → “Google – Home”


Do not use HTML Snippet as it is recommended to use the newer HTML Element instead


In Mendix, a low-code development platform, implementing SEO tags in individual pages involves a few steps. SEO tags help optimize your web pages for search engines, improving visibility and rankings. Here's a general outline of the process:

1. Open your Mendix application project in Mendix Studio Pro.

2. Navigate to the page where you want to implement SEO tags. You can either create a new page or edit an existing one.

3. Identify the head section of the page. This is where you'll add the SEO tags.

4. Click on the "Widgets" tab in the Mendix Studio Pro toolbar and search for the "HTMLSnippet" widget. Drag and drop the widget into the head section of the page.

5. Double-click on the HTMLSnippet widget to open its properties.

6. In the properties panel, locate the "Content" property. This is where you'll enter the SEO tags.

7. Enter the necessary HTML tags to define the SEO tags. Here are some essential tags you should consider including:
   - `<title>`: Specify the title of the page.
   - `<meta name="description" content="Your page description">`: Provide a concise and relevant description of the page.
   - `<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">`: Add relevant keywords related to the page's content.

8. Save the changes to the page.

9. Test the page to ensure that the SEO tags are implemented correctly. You can preview the page within Mendix Studio Pro or deploy the application to a development or testing environment.

10. Repeat the above steps for each individual page where you want to implement SEO tags.

Remember that SEO involves more than just adding tags. It's crucial to create high-quality content, optimize page load speed, use proper headings, and structure your website effectively for search engines. Additionally, external factors like backlinks and social signals also play a role in SEO.
