OAuth: API call fails after receiving access token

I’ve setup OAuth to access external service. Initial step in OAuth which is receiving access token succeeds and I have setup GET call to request API using the access token.  It’s controlled by a button ‘’checkout’’. But I’m getting following error when I click on it. The root cause seems to be CallRest_GET    com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: Variable should not be null at Connector.ACT_User_GetFromEmail (Import with mapping : 'Import from JSON') at MyFirstModule.ACT_GetUser (SubMicroflow : 'ACT_User_GetFromEmail') at Purchasing.ACT_Checkout (SubMicroflow : 'ACT_GetUser')   Advanced stacktrace: at com.mendix.integration.actions.ImportMappingResult$.$anonfun$mendixValueToStream$1(ImportMappingResult.scala:75)   Any insight to into how to solve this issue?
2 answers

It is failing in Import Mapping Import with mapping : 'Import from JSON' while mapping the response one of the attribute is NULL


Are you testing it locally? 
If so, then I would assume one attribute what you retrieve in the ACT_GetUser Microflow is NULL, like the FullName when you try it with some demo_user.

Maybe you can also debug the Microflow setting some breakpoints and see the variables you get there. 
