Exporting CSV file

I am trying to export a file using a CSV module from the marketplace. The Attributes are CustomerID, Name, State, Age (in the same order from left to right). While I am exporting the file the data is not exported in the same order. During the export the columns are being processed in the alphabetical order which I do not want.   For example: If I have a value (121, Praveen, XYZ, 30), it is exported as 30, 121, Praveen, XYZ   Please help
2 answers

Hi Praveen,


Which exporter are you using exactly. The Excel exporter module also has a CSV option where you can specify the rows and columns. Maybe using this module will give you more flexibility: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/726


Hello Praveen,


FYI - In excel exporter module itself you can change the separator as per your need from the 3 given options. Please have a look on the below image.


