Excel Importer Issue(com.mendix.basis.objectmanagement.member.EmptyBooleanException - Boolean member can not be set to null)

Hi Experts,   Mendix Version:9.24.11 Excel importer version 10.6.0 We migrated the mendix from  8.18.22 to 9.24.11   While importing the excel file am facing the issue with following error   com.mendix.basis.objectmanagement.member.EmptyBooleanException - Boolean member can not be set to null   Since I have configured the template with boolean attribute and I have added the parser for boolean check. I tried  in 3 ways   1) In beginning  I havn't added the boolean cloumn header and its value in the sample excel file (issue occurred) 2) Next I have added the boolean cloumn header and  not its value in the sample excel file (Still the issue occurred) 3) Finally I have added the boolean cloumn header and its value in the sample excel file (Still the issue occurred).   Thanks in advance for your solution.   
1 answers

Hi Bright Amalraj,


The error is most likely produced because cells are imported without a TRUE or FALSE value. 


You can use a custom microflow to parse data for a column. Such a microflow should have one parameter of the same type as the column in the Excel. This will receive the data field from Excel. The microflow should return the value to put in the field you want to map (meaning, a DateTime if you are mapping to a DateTime attribute). This does not apply to numbers (Integer, Long, Decimal), because Excel reads the raw data as Decimal and hence the Parsing microflow should always return Decimal. The eventual conversion of this returned Decimal value into either Integer, Long or Decimal will be done by the module.

This field also has quicksearch functionality. Type in the box to the left of the reference selector and press Tab to search for the value you typed.

By default, the selected microflow is not applied to empty cells. The parsing of empty cells can be enabled by setting the ExcelImporter.ParseEmptyCells constant to true.


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