Open URL from published service

I have integration with payment gateway, after payment completion it redirect to publish rest service created by Mendix, however I tried to open page confirmation at the end of the microflow but it doesn't work. any opinion ?
3 answers

As Roy says you can't call the Show Page action from microflow in a REST service. 


The payment service I used redirected the browser back to my Mendix application via a REST service endpoint. I had my microflow save the data to an object I could deeplink to. I then generated the deeplink URL and returned this as a 301 redirect at the end of the microflow. This caused the browser to then redirect to the deeplink, where I could then retrieve the data I had just saved, and use the Show Page action to get it on screen.


I hope this helps.




Hi Mahamed,


rest is unable to show this page. I would like to refer you to this forum post, with a solution.


Sorry i need to post here: If the payment gateway support the redirect response then your mendix publish rest service need to provide the response code 302


