Sending OData update request via C# to Mendix. Error 422

Hello everyone, I'm trying to send an Update request via C# to Mendix.   I'm using OData, but I receive the following error:   "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"422\",\"message\":\"Could not update the entity with the given values\",\"details\":[{\"code\":\"VE001\",\"target\":\"@odata.type\",\"message\":\"Property '@odata.type' not found.\"},{\"code\":\"VE001\",\"target\":\"ID\",\"message\":\"This property is not updatable.\"},{\"code\":\"VE001\",\"target\":\"IdCliente\",\"message\":\"Property 'IdCliente' not found.\"}]}}"     My Code in C# and my Domain Model:     My Resource OData:  
1 answers

The error has 3 error details:

1. Property '@odata.type' not found.

The service does not understand that property, so it is asking the client not to specify it.

2. This property is not updatable.

The service cannot update that property, so it is asking the client not to specify it.

3. Property 'IdCliente' not found.

The service cannot find that property. It expects an exposed name of one of the attributes of the published entity. This error detail is also shown when the current user does not have access to the attribute.
