Is Mendix the right platform for PLM SAP Integrations

Hello Experts,   Is Mendix the right application to enable comprehensive exchange of Engineering and manufacturing data between Teamcenter PLM and SAP. How does this compare with other Integration products for PLM-ERP such as T4S, T4EA.   Any thoughts, suggestions on above greatly appreciated.   Thank you.
1 answers

Yes, it is the right solution for getting data from TeamCenter in a low-code fashion thanks to the Mendix Industrial connectors, so you build on top frontend for the plant workers (e.g.) mixing data from the PLM and SAP, please check this awesome template getting data from PLM, SAP, CAD images, SimCenter and others: Product View 360

T4S is gateway only for exchange business object between TC and SAP but with Mendix you have a complete low-code development applications. 
