Excel Export Is taking long time to generate report

Hi Team,   After upgrading to mendix 9.24.11 excel exporting is taking more than 4 -5 mins to generate excel report in local environment, Excel  Report has 13.5 k record and 47 columns  In Test and production environment more than 4-5 mins and I received error(Contact system admin) But in  chrome dev console 502 bad gateway and time out error     In previous version 8.18.22  it consume less amount of time to generate report. Note: Export exporter latest version 7.4.0 . Can any suggest me a better solution.  Thanks in advance. 
1 answers

You may also try a different way of exporting via updating the data widgets module and using the javascript action to export to excel from a data grid 2 widget.


It may perform a bit better and it also has a nice loading UI animation. In case there are too many rows you see the progress in terms of batches


Mendix Marketplace - Data Widgets


Data Grid 2 | Mendix Documentation
