How to access 1 GET api in another POST api in mendix

Hello, I have 1 GET API of account category and 1 POST api to send the data to third party. I want to access that GET api of Account category as  a dropdown in POST API in data view to fill the data and select the account category and then post it . The problem is I'm not able to access that GET API in POST. can anyone help me with this problem? 
2 answers



I want to access account_category_1 in Root 

the account_category_1 is list of category which is from get api i want to use in dropdown in root form 


Hi Niharika Tiwari

I think you can use a reference selector image.png

and from the selectable object tab set the data source Microflow to call the get service again to fill the ref selector with the data from the get API image.png 

Please recommend this as accepted answer if it solves the issue
