Unable to do Enable / Disable Scheduled Events Through mendix API.

Hi All, Please find below details, I am using below API for Edit / Updating Model Options (Constants/Scheduled Events). it is working fine for Constants update. But not working for Scheduled Events Enable / Disable. So can you  please check and help me. Whether issue at API side or my side.   Mendix Doc link : https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/apidocs/deploy-api/ API Details : HTTP Method: POSTURL: https://deploy.mendix.com/api/1/apps/<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/settings   POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/settingsHost: deploy.mendix.com Content-Type: application/jsonMendix-Username: richard.ford51@example.comMendix-ApiKey:  26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 {     "Constants" : [{         "Name" :  "MyFirstModule.BooleanConstant" ,         "DataType" :  "_Boolean" ,         "Value" :  "true" ,         "DeployedValue" :  "false"     },{         "Name" :  "MyFirstModule.DateTime" ,         "DataType" :  "DateTime" ,         "Value" :  "2013-12-20T16:02:32" ,         "DeployedValue" :  "2013-12-20T16:02:32"     }],     "CustomSettings" : [],     "ScheduledEvents" : [{         "Name" :  "MyFirstModule.Monitor_Scheduled_event" ,         "DeployedValue" :  "Disabled" ,         "Value" :  "Enabled"     }]}
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