unable to find valid certification path to requested target Error in Mendix

Hi All   When i try to trigger Post Request i am getting "unable to find valid certification path to requested target" error. The API is using the basic authentication, so passing username and password in HTTP authentication place holders in Call Rest Activity. If i trigger the same request through postman it is going through and getting proper response, but getting the below error when try to trigger from Mendix Rest Call activity. Can anyone help me on this ?   'sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException'  unable to find valid certification path to requested target   Regards Manjunatha
2 answers

Hi Manjunatha,

You need to contact your API providers, for a valid certification.

I also faced this issue in an API call, my issue was resolved from the API providers side.

The cause is, the certification is expired.

Hope it helps!!


Hi Manjunath,

I am also facing this issue,

Did you get the solution for that?

