SAML / SSO redirection issue

Hi experts, I run into an issue with the SSO-redirection. According to the documentation I added a fixed redirect to index.html with <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/SSO/" /> and provided an index3.html file als landing page. Nevertheless, I always get an initial login page, after entering credentials there, the redirection to the IdP is performed. This behavior doesn't make sense to me. Are there ideas, how I could prevent this login page coming up? Thanks in advance.
1 answers

Normally when going to the /SSO/ you end up on your discovery page which is defined in the resources / SAML / templates / saml2-discovery-binding.vm

Did you make any changes there? Or did you restrict access in your environment to this page?


Assuming you only have one IdP and are not a multitenant sollution you could try redirecting directly to the IdP by using this URL:

So you try to redirect from your index.html directly to that URL.



