Call back url not working on Native App

Hi, I am working on integrating the Stripe connector into a native app. After successful payment, the app should call a GET method and redirect to the appropriate success or failure page. This functionality works perfectly in my local environment when testing with Make it Native, but it doesn't seem to work in the acceptance environment. The intended flow is that after a payment (successful or failed), I trigger a deep-link, which opens a webpage. I use a Microflow Timer widget on this webpage to call the URL through a nanoflow. However, the nanoflow isn't being triggered in the acceptance environment. On an iOS device, I encounter the error 'Safari cannot open this page because the address is invalid.'   I am attaching the error message I am getting and the nanoflow I am using for URL.     Thanks in advance        
1 answers



Have you successfully registered the deeplink in your app package?  This is required for this process to work for a native mobile app and could explain why it is working locally but not once deployed.


