User signing in via okta and needs other than anonymous role

I am integrating Okta for SSO using OIDC flow for a Mendix application. After successful login, I see that the signed-in user is having Anonymous role. How can I associate/identify/assign a specific role based on Okta group and open specific role based home page. I am using OIDC SSO (using Mendix Studio Pro 10.12.1). Do I need to get token and then verify the group if available and change current user role? Is there a reference or useME implementation that I can leverage? Is there an OOTB mapping of okta groups to mendix roles? 
1 answers

Hi Aravind Vadla,

When using OIDC SSO, you can select the CustomAccessTokenParsing microflow to get information using Access Token from the IdP. This allows you to assign end-user roles based on the data provided by the IdP.  By default there is  no access token parsing microflow for Okta IdP, so you need to implement custom access token parsing microflow.

For more details, refer to the documentation here.
