Email Connector - Incoming Emails Missing BCC value

Hi, We are facing an issue where the incoming email message received through the Email Connector module is not fetching the BCC value in the EmailMessage object. We have debugged the data using Eclipse IDE, and it appears that the received email object is not reading the BCC value, even though the email does contain a BCC. Is there a known limitation with the Email Connector module, or do you have any suggestions for resolving this issue? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.     Thanks In Advance!
1 answers

See the RFC here:

The "Bcc:" field (where the "Bcc" means "Blind Carbon Copy") contains
   addresses of recipients of the message whose addresses are not to be
   revealed to other recipients of the message.  There are three ways in
   which the "Bcc:" field is used.  In the first case, when a message
   containing a "Bcc:" field is prepared to be sent, the "Bcc:" line is
   removed even though all of the recipients (including those specified
   in the "Bcc:" field) are sent a copy of the message.  In the second
   case, recipients specified in the "To:" and "Cc:" lines each are sent
   a copy of the message with the "Bcc:" line removed as above, but the
   recipients on the "Bcc:" line get a separate copy of the message
   containing a "Bcc:" line.  (When there are multiple recipient
   addresses in the "Bcc:" field, some implementations actually send a
   separate copy of the message to each recipient with a "Bcc:"
   containing only the address of that particular recipient.) Finally,
   since a "Bcc:" field may contain no addresses, a "Bcc:" field can be
   sent without any addresses indicating to the recipients that blind
   copies were sent to someone.  Which method to use with "Bcc:" fields
   is implementation dependent, but refer to the "Security
   Considerations" section of this document for a discussion of each.

Resnick                     Standards Track                    [Page 22]




