Problems in Mendix Studio Pro “Opcenter Execution Foundation Starter Kit”
Hello, we been trying to implement the “Opcenter Execution Foundation Starter Kit” and we couldn’t arrive to any functionality. I’ll expose every issue we had while we tried to make it work. The first one that we got is that we can’t configure correctly the Default Role as User in the Client Configuration Overview Page. We have tried by changing the module roles (also the page, microflow, nanoflow and entity access) on the security tab of the module, and also tried to change it in the security tab of the app (module status, user roles and administrator). After that, we ran the application, we followed the How to’s and over there we had many problems: At the “Get Data/Invoke Commands” tab, we saw that we had unauthorized access to the information on the UoM Master Page. And in the Add Unit of Measure pop up: At the “Cross Navigation” tab, we followed the instructions and when we try to push the button at the end, it doesn’t do anything, it looks like it is loading but it never shows anything. That’s all for now, thank you very much
Virginia Avalle
1 answers
we solved it following the next video: