Autodesk OAuth2.0 authentication

Hey! I am new to Mendix and want to know if anyone has any recommendations for competing Step 1 of the 3 Legged Token ( I can get the authentication to work by posting the link in browser, however how can I get it to automatically open from pressing a button or similar from Mendix. Do I need to use a URL redirector or are there other alternatives? Similarly I want to extract the code from the end of redirected URL.  Thanks for any help :)
1 answers

Hi Sophie,

Have you already checked out the OIDC Module? This module already implements the OAuth 2.0 Code Grant flow so probably you can just use this module for your purpose without extra development. 

If you still need your own custom development, you can still take this module as an inspiration. E.g. the Step1 is implemented in the OIDC module like this:

