Unable to map SOAP response to domain object

I'm trying out Mendix and want to consume a webservice. I have generated the webservice, mapping and calling microflow based on the wsdl we have. However when I want to display the result of the webservice I got nothing. I've set the logging for 'Webservice' to Trace and can see that the response is received with the expected data. The expected output remains empty however. I've found the following question (https://community.mendix.com/index3.html) which seems to describe the same problem. The question is unanswered but the comment on that question points to different namespaces in the response. I do have two different namespaces in the response, but do not see why this should cause an issue. When selecting the elements to map, the different namespaces are correctly shown. I tried to use different mappings but with no result.  Any pointers on how to continue or how to set the logging for the mapping part finer?  
3 answers

Some steps that may help

  • Enable logging on the web service node and inspect the received answer. Optionally copy it here in the forum to pick our brains.
  • Install SOAPUi and create the request yourself and inspect the answer. You can validate the request and the response with right-mouse click. Maybe the WSDL is not according to the real answer.
  • Temporarily change the 'obtain Mendix Object' settings to 'Call a microflow' and put a breakpoint in it and inspect the incoming data.

If I validate the response in SoapUI I do indeed get a validation error on an element which has a different namespace than expected.

Thanks, I will try to get that right/work around it.


Hi I had the same issue that I got a blank object as a Soap response, but initially I was unable to know what exactly was the xml response from Soap? So While debugging I found that the xml response gets stored in the $lattestHttpResponse variable. Hence you can get this xml response by using a get lattestHttpResponse Activity in a microflow.


After I got the xml response I converted this xml response to a .xsd file and created a new ImportMapping and after using this I got the required Object after the Soap Service call.
