CsvServices Module Could not find web service

Hello, I am having an issue with CsvServices module.  I get "Could not find web service Orders" from my Mendix Console after I issue the Curl command. I basically follow the written direction from CSVService github CsvServices/docs/blog-csv-services.md (https://github.com/ako/CsvServices/blob/master/docs/blog-csv-services.md) 1.  Downloaded CSVService from Mendix app store 2.  Created a sample Mendix app (I have Mendix Modeler version 6.8.1) 3.   Created a new module and named it "Orders" 4.   Under Orders, I have an entity called ProductLabels which has 2 attributes (LabelId as Long and Label as String) 5.   I have a sample csv file called label-data.csv that has 3 lines for sample data Curl command as follow: curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/csv" http://MxAdmin:1@localhost:8080/ws-doc/Orders/ProductLabels --data-binary "@labels-data.csv"   I get the following result back with no errors (pic below) but I get "Could not find web service Orders" in my Mendix console and my SQLServer table ProductLabels is empty.  Why is it looking for a web service called "Orders"? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2 answers

Long time ago I did something with this, but from the top of my memory: This module creates a REST webservice first. Then the result of this webservice was converted to a csv file. Are you sure that you have used the microflow MF_StartCsvServices  as an afterstartup flow? Because it seems it can not find the created REST service.




[EDIT] Note also that the current (latest) version on Github is already converted to Mx7 which is not yet out. So you should also check the version you use because I do not know how backward compatible this is.



Did you enable the request handlers? Because the errro tells you it can not find the rest service. And you do not need the rest module. Rest is now incorporated in the modeler.


The ws-doc part of the url was a work-around for the fact that you couldn't create new request handlers paths in sandboxes. That has been fixed, so i've modified the ws-doc path to be csv now.


Your curl command should be:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/csv" http://MxAdmin:1@localhost:8080/csv/Orders/ProductLabels --data-binary "@labels-data.csv"

I've updated the docs on github, appstore publish will have to wait until mendix 7 has been released.

