LDAP module configuration - misleading error (Invalid ldap credentials)

Hi all,   I am trying to configure the LDAP module but I get the below errors (and weird behaviour) When I execute the test connection button in the customer's environment, I get the error “Invalid ldap credentials” When looking at the logs in Mendix, I get a different error “Failed to authenticate because of exception:; nested exception is javax.naming.CommunicationException: [Root exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out]” When I tried to find out which IP was that, it turns out that IP didn’t exist in the customer's environment I then tried to run the same test, but this time with dummy data, and got exactly the same error The error should have been different and so should the IP address, as the server didn't exist (server name was "aqweqwkas") I then tried to run the same tests, but this time in my local environment (laptop) – again using dummy data Error message almost the same, but instead of "connect timed out" I got "No route to host: connect" (Failed to authenticate because of exception:; nested exception is javax.naming.CommunicationException: [Root exception is java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host: connect]) What confuses me is that the IP is exactly the same as in the customer's environment(!!)     When I debug using the modeler, all the values in the LDAP server variable seem correct and I cannot find any trace of that IP address. Unfortunately, when I exported the project to Java to try to debug in Eclipse, I got over 7000 errors. Has anyone seen this before? Am I missing something simple here? This is a brand new project with just the LDAP, Email, Community Commons, MxModeler and Encryption modules installed.   Many thanks Gonçalo
1 answers

There's a hard-coded IP address in the LdapModule.java file. Just delete that entry "cs.setUrl("ldap://");" and uncomment the correct one "cs.setUrl(ldapServerAddress);". That's it!
