Email template Token object is empty

Hi,       I use an object called obj1 for an email template from past 6 months this template i.e template 1 was working fine. Recently for one enhancement we added an association on the obj1 thats it. I used the same obj1 for new template called template2. After refreshing the MxModel reflection , since template1 already existing I could see the the token object empty (see the pic below)                 Could you please let me know wats the issue is?   Thanks, Swathi S
1 answers

This can happen when renaming the object that you selected (in your case obj1).

Another situation is when the model reflection is synchronized with the module for the obj1 object was not set. Then the record will be deleted and the reference for the template would be lost.

In older versions of the model reflection module there was an issue with replacing the generated objects. In this old version the record was deleted and a new record was created, thereby all objects using the reference to the object were reset to an empty value.

Only adding a reference should not be the cause of the issue that you are experiencing, and I hope that above options will help you in finding the cause for your issue.
