Is it possible to load a Mendix page in a website?

Hi all,   Is it possible to load a Mendix page in a website using Javascript/jQuery? On my webpage (non-MX), I have a div with an ID. I want to load a Mendix page in that div so I can use the functionality on that Mendix page on my webpage. It's important to know that both are on different servers, so I have to deal with the same-origin policy as well.    Thanks in advance! Niek
2 answers

Hi Niek,

From a high level, you can reach it by performing the following steps:

  • Make sure your website is running at https (because of secure cookies set by the Mendix application).
  • Configure your CMS or webserver to act as a reverse proxy. This means that it sould forward all requests to a specific path (e.g.*) to your Mendix environment (e.g.*).
  • Make sure the scripts and CSS are loaded (take a peak at the default index.html of a Mendix application's deployment).
  • Modify the appbase of the dojoConfig e.g.:

dojoConfig = {

                baseUrl: "/mendix/mxclientsystem/dojo/",
                appbase: "http://localhost:8090/mendix/",
                cacheBust: "${cachebust}",
                rtlRedirect: "index-rtl.html"

This will always generate the Mendix application inside the div#content


Hi Niek, this can only be done by loading you mendix app in an iframe and they have to be on the same domain and same protocol (https). Also set in you Mendix cloud environment that it is allowed to load the app in an iframe:


Maybe there are some tricks to workaround if the domains are not the same but I don't know them
