Serialise JSON in REST call using the Call Rest action

Is there a way to see the JSON being submitted while using the Rest action within Mendix 7   I am trying to submit the following JSON string via post { "key": "sfdsdfsdfsdfds" } Within the action I interpret it as  where index 1 is the $Key string value. "key":"{1}"   The response i get, however is:  {"status":"error","code":-1,"name":"ValidationError","message":"You must specify a key value"} Debug shows the $Key variable is populated correctly.    I would like to see the actual JSON being submitted so that I can see what the exact problem is. 
3 answers

You can use set your loglevel (REST Consume or REST Publish) to trace and see the actual JSON POST request.


If you add double braces, as Allard suggested, you can get the format you want:

Rest call action:

 "key" : {1} 

result via trace log:

 "key" : yourkeyhere



If I put all REST nodes onto trace then I see the JSON payload as the following:

Request content for POST request to https://url/ping.json HTTP/1.1


It looks like it drops the braces? If I add the braces back in then I get a modeller error "Brace should be followed by a number of digits or another brace"

This error makes me think that I'm using the Custom request teamplte on the CallRest action incorrectly. 


