Accessing files from a drive

Hi In our project we are planning to fetch files from a server. It will be a shared folder that has files put from external system, we have to pick those files and further process them in Mendix and dispaly data. I wanted know the best way of fetching file from a folder from a service. On thing is to create web service get data and display it in Mendix site. ANy suggetions?  
3 answers

You want to pick up files from a shared folder? Or from a service?

In the case of a folder-location: Is it an (s)FTP folder? Or a network folder on the same network as your application?

In the case of a service: It would depend on the kind of service that is exposed.


Community commons java action FileDocumentFromFile


Would this java action still work if the app was in the cloud and the file from the network?
