IoT Integration| SimpleLink Bluetooth low energy/Multi-standard SensorTag

Afther folowing the Mendix Pre-sales training, I'm trying to connect the IoT SimpleLink ( to an unlicensed Mendix application. The SimpleLink sensor sends it's data via Bluetooth to the SensorTag app on my phone and my phone sends the data to the IBM Bluemix cloud. The sensor data is available via the monitoring in the Bluemix cloud. This is how far I got... Does anyone know how to get the SimpleLink data into an Mendix application? 
2 answers

I built the app you are talking about so probably can help.

If you use the mqtt connector update on

You can connect to ibm watson iot. The sensors connects to send data to watson and then the mendix app subscribes to the watson iot.



You need either a connector like ibm watson or a java client for bluemix.
