Integration of systems to validate and verify

Relatics is used to store all the requirements from the client and Revit is used to build the building virtually. I want to integrate the both systems to use Mendix to validate and verify the requirements of a building. Can you please help me out a bit more? What kind of script do I need (e.g. JSON, Java)? What kind of widgets/connectors do I need in Mendix? What kind of standards should I use from the Mendix library? And is it even possible to use Mendix to connect those programs? 
3 answers

What kind of services do Relatics and Revit have? Can you use webservices or restservices? Can you export data? I think the best way is to look how you can extract the information out of these applications. With Mendix there are more manners of getting the information into the Mendix app. I do not know Relatics or Revit and do not know how to extract the information from the.


Relatics is basically a web application. It is possible to add own web parts in Relatics, such as javascript / html / css. Relatics has an API that can be retrieved using Relatics javascript data (from the web pages in Relatics). By default, jQuery is used to build pages. It is therefore possible to integrate parts of external web applications into the Relation Environment.


In Revit their is also an option to export data to xml (, but it is a script i do not understand.




In Relatics, you can create your own custom webservices (SOAP) to retrieve and store data (calling underlying reports in Relatics). These webservices can be called from Mendix.

You can also call the standard Relatics API (soap or rest) to read and update individual records.

Let me know of you need any help. We are a partner to both Relatics and Mendix.
