Prerequisites for SAML

Hi all,  what are the prerequisites that i need from client to configure SAML other than idp ?
1 answers

Hi Rachana, Setting up an ADFS trust isn't rocket sience, but having a functional admin at the ADFS site is really important and having the ADFS Metatdata XML present.  There are some overall steps to make for the configuration:

  1. Fill in the tab ‘SP Configuration’ with all required field.
    • The default entity id is based on the environment URL, depending on the configuration if it's a mendixcloud or a onpremise.
    • Use encryption based on SHA256-RSA with a key length 2048 bits. In basis there isn’t a keystore needed, unless you want to create you're own certificates.
  2. The configuration is based on extending files with the ADFS server done by an user there. Start a new LDP configuration.
    • The ADFS Metatdata XML is normally found at an address like: https://mycomp/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml
  3. Fill out the complete wizard, but take note that:
    • Authentication context classes: “Integrated Windows Authentication” (login based on workstation) & “Password” (login based on username and password)
    • Identifying assertion type: IdP Provided
  4. The wizard will create a SP ADFS Metadata file that must be used at the ADFS site.


I hope this will give you some info on how to configure an ADFS trust.
