IMAP/POP3 Error Encryption

I use the IMAP/POP3 module to read emails from an Exchange Server. The facility polls the server every 5 minutes and it seems to work fine. However, on checking the Logs is seems as though there is an occasional problem (just once every few days) which gives the 180 line error message starting with those shown below. Can anyone explain what is happening here? Also I used to be able to see the IMAP/POP3 module listed on my Project Explorer in the Modeller. I don’t now seem to be able to see it (or any other App Store Modules). I upgraded to Modeller version 7.2.0 a while ago, is this why? And how could I view them. Many Thanks Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (1/180) Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (2/180) Connection refused#015 Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (3/180) com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: javax.mail.MessagingException: Connection refused; Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (4/180)   nested exception is: Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (5/180) Connection refused Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (6/180) #011at IMAP_POP3_email.DS_ReceiveEmails (JavaAction : 'RetrieveEmailMessages') Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (7/180) #011at EmailConfig.IVK_ReceiveEmails (SubMicroflow : 'DS_ReceiveEmails') Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (8/180) #011at EmailConfig.SE_GET_Emails (SubMicroflow : 'IVK_ReceiveEmails') Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (9/180) Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (10/180) Advanced stacktrace: Jul 27 18:15:28.166 - ERROR - Encryption: (11/180) #011at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException( etc. etc
1 answers


I see the same error message occasionally when retrieving email, however, because I am able to retrieve email when retrying in a few minutes, I have not gone through a troubleshooting exercise.  To troubleshoot, you would need to capture requests on the Exchange server side and then see why the Exchange server refuses requests occasionally.  This troubleshooting would take place outside of Mendix.

As for your app store modules, look in your Project node in the Project Explorer.  App Store modules are all stored there in Mendix 7.

