XML Export Mapping Date Formatting

I have an XML export mapping which includes a date attribute.  When the date is exported, it looks like this: However, I want it to look like this: Any pointers on how to accomplish this? ****Edit**** The XSD looks like this: Which means my domain model looks like this:  
2 answers

Hi Mike, you can format the datestring in another attribute and map this one.


If the receiving system expects yyyy-MM-dd it should not specify the field as dateTime, but as Date.

If you really want to send data to the other system that does not conform to the contract, you should, as Pim said, change the contract before reading it and change the field type. You could change to either Date or String in this case (problay String as I think Mendix will always append timezone info otherwise). This would mean you are not adhering to the contract, which is a bad idea for multiple reasons.
