Publish WebService on Mendix Cloud

Hi, Is there clear documentation on publishing a webservice on Mendix Cloud? It seems that the documentation in the reference guide works on publishing locally, but once it is on the cloud, /ws-doc/ is unavailable (I see that you can update the permissions, but I'm not sure that would be advisable since it is off by default). I am testing using SOAPUI and have imported my WSDL (instead of grabbing from /ws-doc/) and updated my service endpoint. These seem to be the only steps required from the forum posts I have found. However, in SOAPUI I receive a 'Fatal Alert: Handshake Failure' when pointing to my Acceptance Cloud Service Endpoint.  If anyone can outline the steps required to make a published web service available on Mendix Cloud, that would be helpful. Thank You, Jeff
1 answers

Hi Jeff,


When going to your environment in the cloud you can enable the ws-doc request handler to be able to read the WSDL. YOu can do this for the 3 different environments. Also make sure that you enable the WS request handler so that you can receive the webservice operations in your app. I see that they changed the way request handler configuration: Look for "Path Based Access Restrictions".


Let me know if this works or if you need more information.
