Consumed web service - cant consume

Our financial partner NMBRS is implementing a new version of their webservice. The only change is updating their tls to versions 1.2.  They have opened a test api for their clients to test if the api still works for everybody. So far so good.  Now, when I try to consume this new api in Mendix (6.10.10) I get an error (see below). Would be nice to import this new URL.  The older api is just working fine, but will end 1 November.   Older api is: New api is:  
1 answers

Hi Dave,

When importing in 6.10.9 I get the same error without details. Then I tried in 7.5.1 and I get a more specific error:

Allthough I get this error I'm able to continue building the Consumed Web Service functionality in 7.5.1

Here a link to the Mendix documentation where you can see what is supported in xml structure and what not, anyAttribute is not supported by Mendix(yet).


