Does the mapping of a webservice listen to the entity access of the microflow it is called in?

Hi there community,  I'm building a webservice to transfer data from one environment to another. Same model other customer, so the model will publish and consume.  To keep in mind Now,  it is a bit complicated but in all our entities a rol 'Beheerder' is binded to an entity 'Klant'. So, the Beheerder can only do something when the object has a reference with the same Klant object, otherwise he can't even see the object.  The question In the mapping of a webservice, you can't tell if it should comply to entity access. The flow where the mapping occurs, you can tell if it should comply to entity access. When I set entity access to yes in the flow where the mapping happens, I thought the mapping would listen to this. So, when you try to find an object with a specific key (in the mapping), I thought this will only find those objects you have the rights to because of your access rules. This doesn't seem the case.  Anyone with this same problem? And is this just how mapping works, or is this a bug? 
3 answers

This sounds like a bug to me. If I have a user and entity access is on I would expect the mapping to respect this.





Also, when you use a microflow in your mapping (to find an object or to do some other job), this microflow does have a user.  So the mapping can be triggered with entity access I guess, but it seems like it doesn't? 


Hi Dave,

Webservices aren't executed in the context of a logged in user, so entity access won't be applied AFAIK. The documentation on microflow entity access says: 

'Entity access is applied to retrieving and manipulating objects. The rights of current user are taken into account.'

If you want/need entity access I think you're going to have to build some on the receiving end yourself.
