How to fetch data from SAP ECC to Mendix if it is exposed from ECC

I am trying to fetch custom data from SAP ECC to Mendix either through remote function call BAPI or Gateway service (like$metadata)   I am trying to have custom functionality wherein I want to display a set of custom workorders in Mendix screen.   But noticed that, I cant map the custom Gateway service either through any Published service of Odata or WSDL service (as the schema is not supported and it supports only W3 related parent root)   But, the demo ES4 gateway system is able to expose the data for Purchase Order approval app.    Can somebody guide me here?  
1 answers

Hi Venkatesh,

Did you take a look at the SAP OData Connector from the app store, link:

Regarding the reference guide this connector should also be able to use the ECC:

"The SAP OData Connector can be used for all SAP back-end systems that have OData enabled. For ECC, SAP Gateway will be used to expose the traditional BAPI interface as an OData service."


Perhaps this helps.


Good luck
