SAP (trial) environment gives error 403 for Quota is not sufficient for this request

Hi all! I was trying to follow the Mendix demo for SAP and signed up for a trial account at SAP. However Mendix refuses to create the environment on the SAP Cloud Platform. When choosing 'postgres-dev' it gives a 403 'Quota is not sufficient for this request'. When choosing another option it gives an error about the plan not being available. Nothing really seems to work. When I'm on the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit it shows 0 applications running, so I cannot clean anything up either. Anyone able to pull this off properly or any tips on what to try?
2 answers

Hi Sytze,

When you mention you can only able to see 43 available services, are you talking about a Neo trial account or a Cloud foundry trial account?

We are currently only supporting deployment to SAP cloud foundry.

you could check this by checking whether your region is one of the following:
Europe (Frankfurt), US Central (IA) Beta, US East (VA), US West (CA) Beta

if your trial account region is not any of the following then you're running your trial account on the Neo environment of SAP.


Hello Sytze, 

Thanks for trying the Mendix demo for SAP. The quota message is given when any of the limitations are reached, typically for a trial account the limit is 10 services of which one is a database. This means besides deployed apps you can check the created services on the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit. 

To do this navigate to the space and check the Service Instances (left menu). Delete any unbound service to free your resource. An overview of used resources is available on the sub account overview page in the cockpit. 

