an error has occurred while parsing the xml shema in the wsdl document the element is not declared.

Hi all, when trying to import  web-service or schema, I am getting the following issue. an error has occurred while parsing the xml shema in the wsdl document the '' element is not declared.   when I make a change however to the following code: go to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:s="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:s1="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tm="" xmlns:soapenc="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl="">   <wsdl:types>     <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:s="">       <s:element name="LogIn">         <s:complexType>           <s:sequence>             <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="username" type="s:string"/>             <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="password" type="s:string"/>           </s:sequence>         </s:complexType>       </s:element>       <s:element name="LogInResponse">         <s:complexType>           <s:sequence> ... The only change I make is here <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:s="" .... it will import but then I get the following message: Some WSDL operations or XSD  elements are not supported. see the details for more information about unsupported constructs with details: "Unsupported operation 'LogIn': Element 'LogIn' in message part 'parameters' of message 'LogInSoapIn' was not found. Unsupported operation 'LogOut': Element 'LogOut' in message part 'parameters' of message 'LogOutSoapIn' was not found. Unsupported operation 'GetSessionStatus': Element 'GetSessionStatus' in message part 'parameters' of message 'GetSessionStatusSoapIn' was not found....." I not able to then select any of the operations from that service.   Please could somebody indicate what is wrong, and what I need to do/change so that I am able to import the web-service with all the operation included and available to consume.   Many thanks,   Scott
2 answers

Hi Scott,

I do not see that 'XMLSchema:schema' part in the actual WSDL you posted. Why do you need that ':schema' part IN the actual URL? Can't you do something like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">

<xs:element name="note">
      <xs:element name="to" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="from" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="heading" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="body" type="xs:string"/>




Thanks for letting us know! xs:schema wasn't supported yet, but we've added support for it. It will be in version 7.14 of the modeler.
