Hi Shannon,
You should place them in the userlib directory of your project's deployment location. This way, Mendix will copy the files in the correct locations upon deployment.
Hi John,
The code/logic (not mine) looks for in that path, so i am not sure i can change that, i was wondering if mendix recognizes something like {JAVA_HOME} in the policy file template.
Hi Shannon,
As far as I know, you cannot access files outside your deployment environment. Copying your .jar files in the userlib folder makes them accessible in your Java actions using an import statement.
I assume ‘el’ is an expression library? I’ve included the Apache Commens jexl library in a test project and have full access to the functions by using the import statement “import org.apache.commons.jexl3.*;” in a Java Action.
Perhaps some of other community members more proficient in Java could chime in?
Thanks John, however it is not about jars (which i can put under userlib), my third party embedde logic (not my code) will look for this file under java home (actually it just checks if there is such file),
i can add this line in my policy file to make it work in my local
permission java.io.FilePermission "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_91/jre/lib/el.properties", "read";
but i have to hard code the path, i was wondering if mendix has a variable for java home i can use instead of hard code (which i will not know where it is in the cloud).