Now I have done like this,
But still it is not saving
Enable Commit and Refresh in client (if needed). Also make sure you set proper values to ForgotPassword association as well.
It would really help if you can go through the mendix rapid application developer course which covers basics.
Hi Rajat,
I see that you are not commiting your object in your create action. That will cause the object to not be saved if you do not commit it later on in the microflow. To change this, you should mark 'Yes' or 'Yes, without events'. Then your created object will be saved as well as the associations.
You can read more about commiting objects here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/committing-objects
Still data not saved,I have chenged to YES
Ah, i now see that you try to create a new PatientSupport object, that refers to the same 'ForgotPassword' object as the $PatienSupport. But if your associations table is empty, the new association also will be empty.
Solution is, to retrieve or create a ForgotPassword object in your microflow, and then retrieve or create a PatienSupport object. Then you link them to gether to use a change action in which you set the reference and do the commit in that change.
This is now what happens
A new row is craeted in forgotpassword table
And in forgotpassword_patientsupport this row is created
Id should be of that user which is logged in,but in my case a new row is generated.
This is my createobject-
So I think ideally your situation would be like this:
1. The user creates a ForgotPassword object. This should be a button on the desired page, after which a microflow triggers that fills all the information and COMMITS the ForgotPassword.
2. You should then make a page that has a datagrid with all the ForgotPassword objects (in my example, this is a page where the admin could check whether a user has made a ForgotPassword object)
3. On that datagrid you can make a button that creates a support ticket for a specific ForgotPassword object.
Here you do not yet commit your PatientSupport, because you first want to fill the other information as well.
As you can see, my microflow opens a pop up, in which you can fill the rest of the information of your patientsupport and there you should also save it.
Ideally step 2 and 3 are done automaticaly when a user commits a ForgotPassword object, but for understanding i would first suggest this.
I am using datagrid for raising request-
On raise button I hace craeted a microflow
Have you keep a reference selector on your page?
I Am using microflow to commit patientsupport.see this