Strange mapping behavior when accessing webservice with nillable content
I reading a published webservice from external sources which should give me some documents and when available a link to that document. The XML structure of it is something like this: <s:Envelope> <s:Body> <GetFinancialDocumentsResponse> <GetFinancialDocumentsResult> <a:FinancialDocuments> <a:CustomerId>11111</a:CustomerId> <a:DocumentDate>2008-07-08T00:00:00</a:DocumentDate> <a:DocumentDescription>VoorschotNota</a:DocumentDescription> <a:FileId i:nil="true"/> <a:FileLink i:nil="true"/> </a:FinancialDocuments> <a:FinancialDocuments> <a:CustomerId>11111</a:CustomerId> <a:DocumentDate>2008-10-30T00:00:00</a:DocumentDate> <a:DocumentDescription>JaarNota</a:DocumentDescription> <a:FileId>99999</a:FileId> <a:FileLink>http://DASPRODUCTION/DAS/Show.ashx?FileId=99999</a:FileLink> </a:FinancialDocuments> </GetFinancialDocumentsResult> </GetFinancialDocumentsResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> As you see, sometimes the FileId and FIleLink tags are nil and sometimes they are not. This is depending on the type of the document. I use an XML mapper to map this structure and all is fine. I test accessing the webservice by making a test window and showing the received records in a gridview. To my amazement all FileId and FileLink fields are empty are empty. Why are these fields empty and is there a way to work around it? Or is this just a bug?
alex van den berg
2 answers
I feel like if this were a bug it would have been discovered long ago. Can you share a screenshot of your XML mapping here?