PDF Annotations Widget

We have a requirement Where user should annotate the PDF documents in a Screen. We got a company which is providing the libraries for doing this and below is the link to the source code and libraries https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/get-started/manually Now our challenge is to Integrate this into mendix or perhaps build a widget which will do this.  Can anyone take this up as a challenge.   I tried Integration but i am getting the below Mime type error and I am not sure where I configure the mime type in mendix modeller.      
1 answers

I've done this in the past for an older version of Mendix, never with pluggable widgets. Do keep in mind that PDFTron also requires a very specific file format to properly work. Something that can be generated on a server but not directly as an extension to the Java runtime that Mendix cloud uses.

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