Call REST - Location

I have an application wherein I need to call a REST service at when user enters a URL on UI. To achieve this I want to pass in 'Location’ parameter as a variable. Is this possible? If yes, how can this be achieved?
3 answers

Could you provide us more details about your use case? I think in general you scenario of having an url where you want to add an URL to call by REST, but maybe you can provide ore information.


Double click ‘Call REST’ node. General tab > click Edit button next to Location field. Key in {1} in Template field. Add new parameter at the bottom of the dialog box.


You could create a settings entity with an attribute for each ui 'parameter' that should be configurable/testable for your URL. If you only want to type the full URL from the UI you just need 1 attribute.

You can then have a dataview on the page where you would like to have it configurable from the UI. The dataview could be fed with a microflow which creates a ‘settings’ object if you don’t already have one available on the page.

Add a microflow button which takes an object of this settings entity as a parameter and calls the REST service. Then use your settings object attribute(s) to fill your REST endpoint URL by concatenating what you need to create the URL (or just use the one attribute field if you only needed 1 attribute on the object.
