Mendix Integration With External Apps

HI All, Could use some guidance. Needing to solve the following situation: There will be an external app, that will send a Document ID of some sort to my Mendix App. Which will then search our underlying database for the correct information, using that Document ID (Looking for a URL). The Mendix App will then redirect the user to a that corresponding external website (website is not in Mendix  app).   At first glance, this would sound like a REST API call. But we are needing the Mendix app to take on all functionality once the External app hits the Mendix layer. Also, Ideally we would not want the user to see the Mendix App at all (Kicking off Mendix App via a microflow being called as the default upon app startup).   Any ideas on how to best retrieve the Doc ID from the External App? Ideally the external app would redirect to my Mendix App, with the Doc ID in the URL as a parameter
2 answers

From your last sentence this sounds like something you could use the deeplink module from the appstore for.

With the deeplink module you can pretty easily create a url for your application which is able to receive an identifier and use it in a microflow. The microflow could retrieve the document by the ID received in the deeplink as a parameter and do whatever other logic you would like to do.


Assuming the data is already stored in an entity in your Mendix model you could then simply expose this entity as a REST resource by right clicking the entitiy when in the domain model. After that you can select the DocumentID as the key attribute.

In the process, you’ll be asked to select an existing REST service or create a new one. Open the REST service for details on how to access it.
