Track change to data model objects fetched via REST

I am fetching pricing information for products by consuming REST endpoint returning xml. I need to track any historical changes to the pricing coming from the endpoint. Need to track the change and record it in the App. How can I implement this change tracking when data is coming from a rest service. Need to record only when there is a change in pricing and no duplicates.
2 answers

When processing the RESTcall-response compare the price with the product’s price stored in your database from the previous calls. If they are the same, forget it, if different, do your thing.


There are many different ways to achieve what you are asking for. One option would be to create an entity to store the historical data and associate that entity with a one-to-many relationship to the actual data.

Using a microflow you can match the incoming data to your existing data and create/update as needed under the conditions you design yourself in that microflow.

Hope this helps.

