Implementing push notifications like VWO Engage

Hi, For a project I'm trying to implement VWO Engage (documentation:, which is a service that provides rich notifications to your app, into a Mendix app. The Mendix app runs on premise with HTTPS. Does anyone have any experience in doing this or anything like it? For instance, to what folder am I supposed to upload the files exactly? And can I just copy the ‘smart code’ from step one and solely paste it in the Index.html file directory or do I have to paste that code in multiple html files? Thanks in advance!
1 answers

Yes, index.html (in the theme folder of your project) should do. Unless you created additional index files such as index3.html (e.g. for SSO purposes).

For https: you need your own domain, the additional files should be in the root of that domain, the Mendix app needs to be available on that domain or a subdomain (it won’t work on Make sure you have that custom domain enabled and linked in your Mendix application (via Sprintr – read more in the docs).
