Calendar synchronization with external calendar

We have a customer that creates anual programmes of products their customers need to use to maintain their football fields / golf courses. The result is a calendar filled with entries showing what products should be used for a certain period. This calendar can contain a lot of calendar entries. They do not want to use a calendar within the Mendix application, but want to synchronize the complete calendar with an external calendar (i.e. Outlook) or Google calendar. I have been looking for a possibility to synchronize a complete Mendix calendar with external calendars, but did not find anything that is able to do so. I have looked in the app store, but did not find what I am looking for. The iCalendar app looks to be interesting, but it only sends invitations for each individual calendar entry and that is not what I or the customer are looking for.  Is there anybody who might have solution for this issue?
1 answers

To be able to do that you need to be able to manage all of the users their  google calender API keys (or all other external API keys of all possible calenders), to have access to the calenders, an Entity should hold all the required data.

Then every user should grant the Mendix app write rights in his calender (The mendix app can be represented with a system user, or a user/password in constants).

After all that is done, you need to create a Mapping that is understandable by the calender API. more info about that is found ihere:


I hope this helps you a bit on your way.
