Fixing the Parameter1 issue in java actions of platform supported modules - Mendix Forum

Fixing the Parameter1 issue in java actions of platform supported modules


I know that there is already an Idea about the “Parameter1” issue. But it is about solving it in the modeler. Until then, it would be nice to have it fixed in all modules with platform support. The community commons for example have this problem.

Whenever I import such a module and are working on my own java actions, the parameter names inside these modules are changed to <ParameterName>Parameter1. Unfortunately, it is not a refactoring, it only changes the attribute names but not the code where they are used. This could be resolved by avoiding naming conflicts (for example by using lower case attribute names when creting a java action). It would be nice to have this fixed in all the platform supported modules, so that a developer not always needs to fix the javasource on his own.

2 answers

@Ivan That’s awesome news. But as there is this workaround with the names, it could already be fixed in the AppStore modules. At least in such a popular module like the community commons.

This would also be beneficial for users who are not directly upgrading to mendix 8.


Hi Andreas, that’s something we are planning to fix for Mendix 8. Stay tuned!
