You Can add configuration to determine the weekend day - Mendix Forum

You Can add configuration to determine the weekend day


we need choise weekend days here in middle east the weekend is friday and satuday.

2 answers

Stay in Mendix as long as you can, easier for other devs in the team.

For complex date time calculation you can divert to java with Joda Time


No need for Java for this particular problem!


You can use the

parseInteger(formatDateTime($InputDateTime, 'u')) = 6

expression to determine the day of a given dateTime, where 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc.


So in your case that would be

   parseInteger(formatDateTime($InputDateTime, 'u')) = 5
or parseInteger(formatDateTime($InputDateTime, 'u')) = 6

where 5 is Friday and 6 is Saturday.


Als see the Mendix Docs on date functions
