com.mendix.m2ee.api.IMxRuntimeResponse & cookie best practices

All, Where can I get the API docs for above? com.mendix.m2ee.api.IMxRuntimeResponse – Is this the right package / class we are using for managing cookies? Also, I would like to know the best practices to set cookie expiry at logout using this package? We are able to create cookie using: com.mendix.m2ee.api.IMxRuntimeResponse – addCookie function But I am unable to decipher how do we set expiry timestamp on it / timeout / any other option to clear the cookies Or should we just create as many attributes as we want on the cookie and work with them for state management / timeout / expiry / etc. by adding custom logic  Also, are the cookies by default encrypted or we need to add encryption for the same   Regards, Neil 
2 answers

Hi Neil, searching for the same as you did, I found the following for at least one of the overrides of the method:

setCookie(String key, String value, String path, String domain, int expiry, boolean httpOnly (not sure, could be “Secure” instead) )


Hi Neil, there is no real documentation for this but open up the Java code for example the SAML or deeplink modules and you should get some examples that might help you figure out what the parameters are.
