Excel Exporter Error

I have recently installed excel exporter module from the app store and have configured a table I would like to use to test, I receive the following error:  com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Cannot create excel, because the inputobject isn't a subclass of configured. Expect: Module1.Part_Notes Retrieved: XLSReport.MxTemplate     at XLSReport.GenerateReport (JavaAction : 'GenerateExcelDoc') Advanced stacktrace:     at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException(MicroflowUtil.java:83) Caused by: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Cannot create excel, because the inputobject isn't a subclass of configured. Expect: Module1.Part_Notes Retrieved: XLSReport.MxTemplate     at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManagerBase.executeSync(ActionManagerBase.java:156) Caused by: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Cannot create excel, because the inputobject isn't a subclass of configured. Expect: Module1.Part_Notes Retrieved: XLSReport.MxTemplate   Mind you, I tried to insert a retrieve function and it did not work. Any help would be appreciated.     
2 answers


The following learning path will guide you for excel exporter 



The configuration you have done is expecting a record from the Module1.Part_Notes entity and you seem to be supplying a record of the entity XLSReport.MxTemplate.

Probably in the java action input something is not correct.
