How to convert Mendix Java project as Spring boot Project

Hello Experts,  Usually if we want to go with custom Java action, we will be creating a Java action in mendix and will write our Java code after deploying it in eclipse.  Here after deploying it in eclipse it will be in core Java not as Spring boot Or Maven project.  Is it possible to convert the same mendix project as maven with spring boot if possible?  Kindly let me know is it possible and i have requirement to consume a soap web service which ws security which can be only done using Java. It will be better that i can use spring boot framework to consume the same. I don't think it will possible in core Java. So just I wanna consume the web service using spring boot.  Answers are really much appreciated. 
1 answers

Menno put together a useful tutorial on using Maven for dependency management in Mendix. I have used his approach successfully to get Maven to bring in the correct dependencies when I’ve been building modules that use third party java jar files.

Hope this helps.
