Convert a date in string to date format

Experts,         I am receiving a date in a string format like this ‘2022-02-03T16:16:24' which is in EST timezone. I want to be able to convert this to date and time format and pass it as an input to the next microflow that requires a date (in date and time) format. I was trying to use parseDateTimeWithTimeZone function but did not really understand what to fill for the parameters. Passed ‘2022-02-03T16:16:24 for date, ‘yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss’ for pattern, ‘EST’ for Timezone, but did not understand what to specify for default value attribute.  Appreciate if someone can help me with   
2 answers

Hi Kalyan, 

Please check once.


Hi Kalyan, The default value is optional and will be used if the parse fails (if I'm not mistaking). I would recommend using either this default date or some good error handling as these parse functions can break your application if they fail.
